
The HYPO mini delivers 2 gallons of HOCl onsite at 200/500ppm concentrations in as little as 8 minutes! The HYPO mini is a great addition for small businesses that are looking to explore the tremendous benefits of HOCl.

SKU: HYPO-mini Category:


The difference

Safe, effective, on demand

The HYPO mini is the mighty HYPOGEN stripped down to a powerful compact unit which delivers 2 gallons of HOCl onsite at 200/500ppm concentrations in as little as 8 minutes! The HYPO mini is a great addition for small businesses that are looking to explore the tremendous benefits of HOCl.

Benefits of HOCl

  • Can be used for all kinds of purposes — health care, brewery sanitization, home cleaning, and so much more

  • Non-caustic and virtually odorless sanitization

  • 100 times more effective than bleach
  • HOCl kills mold, viruses on contact

  • Safe for skin contact

  • Can be used on food-grade surfaces

Benefits of owning a generator

  • Immediate, on-demand access to HOCl
  • Lower your carbon footprint — no shipping required
  • HOCl for pennies on the dollar — it pays for itself!

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